Gary is currently available for assignment, whether for photography or videography, and has a large catalog of stock photos.
For contact information, please click on his Complete Profile to the right.
Nov 28, 2007
Stock Photos and Assignment Work
Posted by
GJ Pictures
10:26 PM
Jun 18, 2006
May 17, 2006
May 16, 2006
A little about Gary R. Johnson
Originally from Cincinnati, OH, Gary Johnson lives with his family in Knoxville, TN. He works as a freelance cinematographer for various cable programming. You can see his work on: DIY Network: DIY to the Rescue, Ed the Plumber, Classic Car, Grounds for Improvement, Hardscapes, Material Girls and DIY Kits. Food Network: Kitchen Accomplished. Fine Living: Catalog This! Animal Planet: Backyard Habitat. GAC: Great American Moments.
Gary studied filmmaking at Wright State University in Dayton, OH, and began his career as a grip, gaffer, and sound technician for the TV and film industries in the Midwest. He took up photography as a hobby, and it has become a passion equal to his love of videography and cinematography.
Gary completed several independant films as a student, including
Adam, which was featured in the Big Lens festival in Dayton OH (2001), and various Cincinnati, OH film festivals.
When not working in the industry or out shooting photography, Gary enjoys hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains with his family.
Posted by
GJ Pictures
9:25 PM